Weekend is here and this time the Sunday will be more Jhakkas, because joining Salman Khan on the sets will be the dashing and energetic Anil Kapoor, who is on the show to promote his upcoming show 24. The episode started off with a dashing entry by the Robin Hood Pandey- Salman Khan on the song `pandey ji seeti`. Followed by Anil Kapoor`s entry on his signature song `My name is Lakkhan`. They also danced together on their song `Ishq di gali wich No entry`. The weekend with Salman and Anil was already high on the dose of entertainment, and it came as surprise when Salman carried Anil on his shoulders. But when Anil Kapoor tried to carry Salman on his shoulder, he was unable to carry Salman, and it left Salman and the audience in splits. After Rajat Rawail was evicted from the Bigg Boss house, Salman called him on stage for a special chat. He was asked to crown Angel and Devil of the week. While Armaan was crowned as the Angel of the week, Asif was crowned as the Devil of the week. To make the weekend ka masti more mazedaar, Bigg Boss gave Rajat a special power- Bigg Bomb, wherein he was asked to take one person`s name who would directly get nominated for next week`s evictions. After some serious discussions and chatting with Salman, to lighten Rajat`s mood, Rajat`s wife and daughter came on the stage to surprise him. After seeing them, Rajat couldn`t control his emotions and broke into tears.