“Flops are never the end. In fact they are like a new beginning,” says Bollywood’s Khiladi Akshay Kumar. Having put the underwhelming response to Once Upon Ay Time In Mumbai Dobaara behind him, Akshay is all geared up for his forthcoming action flick Boss. Indiatimes.com met up with Akshay Kumar for a quick media Q&A at a five-star hotel in Mumbai, to find out what fans can expect from Akshay`s new film. The promos suggest that there is a lot more hand-to-hand combat in the action, unlike the aerial-kicks and gravity-defying stunts that we are used to seeing in other remakes. Elaborating on the action (Akshay reveals that the film has 12 major action sequences), Kumar says, "You are right, there is a lot more hand-to-hand fighting in this film. These days I feel cable fights are going out of fashion. We have seen enough of this `one punch and people flying 150 feet, taking six rotations in the air` type of stunts". "In Boss I wanted raw and manly action. Like the climax of this film has a six-minute-long fight that is just man-to man, between the hero and the villain. No sideys or henchmen." Akshay says that Ronit Roy who plays the villain, has worked very hard on his body for the film, and does not look like the Kyun Ki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi face that people have been used to seeing. The film also stars Shaitan fame Shiv Pandit, who Akshay says reminds him a lot of his younger days. As far as his seniors go, Akshay says Mithun Chakraborthy always plays his father on screen with a lot of heart; while Danny has been someone Akshay considers an inspiration, as he looks as youthful as ever and works on his own terms with a lot of discipline.