There seems to be a lot of talk about corporate golf gifts these days. If you own your own small business or are running a business for someone else, you should consider stocking up on some corporate golf gifts. They may come in handy.
You may wonder why you should have corporate golf gifts and not any other kind of corporate gifts. Since time immemorial golf has been the number one sport that has been most associated with corporations and corporate executives. This is probably because golf is simply a sport for everyone both young and old and is also a sport that you can play even at a business meeting. Even if there are those who are not great fans of golf, it has grown in popularity and almost everyone can appreciate classy or useful corporate golf gifts.
Ordering and distributing corporate golf gifts is one of the best ways to spread and promote your corporate brand. Whether you ask your employees to wear corporate golf gift apparel or hand over a golf pen to a guest, you will still be advertising your corporate name and logo through any of your corporate golf gifts.
Organizing a company golf tournament and handing out corporate golf gifts to your best employee players is a great way to share the spirit of corporate camaraderie. It doesn’t matter whether you have great players or not. Your corporate golf gifts are an extension of the fun on your corporate outing and a sign of your appreciation to your employees.
Playing golf and giving corporate golf gifts to visiting guests or clients is one way to tell them that you can certainly mix business with pleasure. Your corporate golf gifts with your company logo and monogram are also a way of reminding your clients how much pleasure there was doing business together and how much you would want to continue doing business.
The fact that a lot of business is conducted on the golf course is not surprising. The game of golf affords the player a tremendous opportunity to expand their social circle. You could likewise refer to it as "golf organizing".
You can meet more and more people through those small groups.
You can get a game by simply showing up at a club. Every time you put it, you could be looking at three potential customers, depending on your industry.
Where else can you spend solid quality time with your valued clients? With today’s hectic schedules, most of us are lucky if we can get just five minutes!
A golf swing takes 5 seconds, so in a game, you take about 500 seconds swinging, but a golf game takes on average 4 hours to finish. What are you doing the rest of the time you're not swinging?
There is really no other sport with a significant amount of quiet time between shots that allow for wide-ranging conversations and common interests to be discovered. That, for business people, is gold.
This is uniquely golf, you can plan a meeting right smack in the middle of being surrounded by water, nature, and sand instead of four white walls.
If this doesn't instantly create a more relaxed and friendly environment in which to do business, I don't know what will.
I guess it's one of the sports that suit all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Thanks to the handicap system, people of widely different abilities can play together and still compete.
So the 60-something CEO can still beat his 30-something prospect or employee, while the 30-something executive can look forward to decades of on-course meetings and deals.
When someone is a golfer it’s easy to give a small gift that makes an impact. A golf book or logoed hat or towel from a popular brand can quickly and inexpensively enhance a relationship.
Who knew that networking on a golf course could lead to Secret Santa? Not me, but I'm not complaining one bit.
This, of course, is totally up to you. Some people play golf with a small circle of friends and maybe have that drink afterward.
Or you can join a golf club if you wish and you will then have the opportunity to attend regular social functions, prize-giving awards, parties, away days, club matches, etc.
Alternatively, you can join a golf society whether you are a member of a club or not, a lot of pubs/clubs/social groups have a golf society.
There is always a chance that not every recipient of corporate golf gifts loves the sport. To be on the safe side, present your guests, clients, employees, and tournament participants with a variety of useful items. Aside from the corporate labeled golf ball or miniature club, you should also include some apparel and desk accessories. Lighten up someone’s table with golf-themed stationary, desk clocks, memo holders, pen cases, pens, and card cases. You can probably hand out some golf passes and magazine subscriptions to some of those who truly love the sport.