There are many types of golf bags on the market. Some are practical, some are just beautiful and some are both! Then there are different size golf bags. Again, some are large, some even larger and some are so enormous that you could take all you need to go on holiday in it!
This puts the novice golfer in a quandary. They want the right gear, but they do not want to look ridiculous and they do not want to look cheap either.
Generally speaking, the answer is simple enough, you need a golf bag that is just large enough to hold your golf club Hamburg, extra golf balls, your golf glove, tees, car keys, extra pencils, ball markers, a ball retriever, sunscreen, a windbreaker, and a large golfing umbrella.
Then there are the extras. For example, it is also probably a good idea to have with you: a packet of tissues, a band-aid or two, and if you play courses where insects are a problem, a can of insect repellent comes in very handy.
A pack of baby wipes comes in quite handy too sometimes, especially if you're feeling hot or you get sprayed with sand in the bunker - it can be just what you need!
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Some people are allergic to the stings of bees, hornets, and wasps, so if you are, anti-histamine could be an important addition to your golf bag. If you are diabetic, you may think it wise to carry some Lifesavers, the packs of which have to be replaced several times throughout the year because they have a tendency to melt.
One item that does not need to be in your golf bag is your cell phone. If you must carry it, turn off the ringer as a courtesy to other players. If you must use it, be aware of others who might be taking a swing or putting their ball. You have to be considerate!
These are good starter items to have in your golf bag, but as you play, you will discover more things that will add comfort to your day and game, a few bottles of water spring to mind, or a few cans of something in a cooling bag, if it is hot.
Remember, you are going for a stroll for a few hours, but you will have a golf trolley or even a golf cart, so you can afford to take a few extras. Take a few sandwiches too if you feel like it. Why not?
If you have these items with you in your golf bag, you will be covered for most minor tribulations, like a bee sting, an ant bite, a blister, or even a sudden downpour. If you know that you are well prepared, you will be able to relax that little bit more and enjoy your game that much more as well. Click Hamburg leisure