The Right Clubs Can Improve Your Golf Game - Pdf Slider

The Right Clubs Can Improve Your Golf Game

The Right Clubs Can Improve Your Golf Game

Summer means golf season is in high gear, and golfers are hitting the links, working the “bad habits” out of their game -- and wondering how the pros make it look so easy. Start-of-season enthusiasm can quickly turn to frustration when your game isn’t improving. If a lack of real improvement has beset your golf game, take a look at the clubs you’re using. You may be surprised what a difference the right clubs can make.

“Golf should be fun,” says golf equipment expert Tom Wishon. “But the fact is each year about as many people leave the game as start playing. A major reason is a frustration with the game.”

Much of this frustration is a lack of knowledge or misperceptions about golf clubs. Wishon, with more than 50 different design “firsts” to his credit, has designed more original clubhead models than almost anyone in the industry. An 11-year member of the Golf Digest USA Tech Advisory panel, Wishon’s passion for the game has earned him the reputation of golf club design pioneer as well as an outspoken maverick against the marketing tricks of the golf companies.

Here are a few misperceptions that Wishon says can ruin your golf game:

* Modern golf clubs hit farther than clubs of even a few years ago -- Not really, says Wishon. “What you are seeing basically is a marketing gimmick. Golf companies have simply lowered the loft angles and increased the length of their clubs over the past 20 years.”

* I was “custom-fitted” at the driving range (or retail store or pro shop) – Maybe you were and maybe you weren’t; there are many definitions of what constitutes custom-fit golf clubs. A true custom-fit requires the expertise of a certified customer club-fitter; a good resource is

* The longer the length of my driver, the farther I’ll be able to hit the ball – According to Wishon, 90 percent of the drivers sold in the shops today are too long for most players to swing with control.

* My club is just like the one Tiger uses – Simply put, no they’re not. PGA Tour pros are all custom fit with special models made precisely for their playing skills. Regular golfers buy a standard, one size fits all club, off the racks of retail golf stores.

*Custom fit golf clubs are only for really good golfers – Actually the truth is the opposite; the pros are skilled enough to play well with almost any golf club. You, on the other hand, need properly fitted golf clubs more than they do to minimize swing errors and to maximize swing strengths.

“The sad fact is the average golfer knows little more about golf clubs than what he or she reads in advertising or sees in Golf Channel infomercials. This lack of knowledge results in millions of golfers attempting to play an already difficult game with equipment that not only won't but can't possibly, meet their needs,” notes Wishon.

To help the average golfer, Wishon wrote “The Search for the Perfect Golf Club,” the first book that explains to the golfing layman how and why golf clubs work the way they do. It explains the secrets that will allow golfers to spend their money more wisely and enjoy the game more.

"A few years ago, Tom Wishon, with his experience as a designer, helped me understand more about a particular aspect of golf club performance. With this book, Tom will help you understand the entire field, make good buying decisions, and get the most from your game," says everyone’s favorite golfer Arnold Palmer.  

For more information on Golf Schnupperkurs Hamburg and Golf Spielen Hamburg


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Golf Lounge Resort

Golf Lounge Resort GmbH & Co. KG

Die Golf Lounge ist längst mehr als nur Europas modernste, innerstädtische Driving Range auf drei Ebenen, sondern mittlerweile zu einer der innovativsten Golftrainings-, Freizeit- und Eventlocations der Stadt gewachsen. Direkt an den Elbbrücken werden Golf und Event perfekt miteinander verknüpft – für Golfinteressierte, Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und die gesamte Familie. Hier geht es neben dem Sport um Unterhaltung, Spaß und Geselligkeit in einer ganz persönlichen, familiären Atmosphäre. Durch ihr vielfältiges Angebot bietet die Golf Lounge neben einer hochmodernen, innovativen Trainingsplattform auch eine stimmungsvolle Eventlocation für Firmen- und Privatfeiern. Mit diesem ganzheitlichen Ansatz will die Golf Lounge möglichst viele Menschen unkompliziert und ohne Zugangsbarrieren an die faszinierende Trendsportart heranführen.


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