Main symptoms of Gestational diabetes - Pdf Slider

Main symptoms of Gestational diabetes

Main symptoms of Gestational diabetes

Most women don’t get to discover Gestational diabetes Symptoms but in most cases, women who discover these symptoms report that they feel extremely thirsty and have to urinate frequently. This state of intolerance in the glucose may not trigger any significant symptoms but medical experts suggest that you see a doctor if you notice some symptoms such as; continuous Dry mouth, excessive fatigue, feeling of extreme thirst, excessive urination, blurred vision, and recurrent infections such as Thrush.

Most women will probably learn that they have this diabetes when they go for their routine pregnancy tests. This illness can be triggered in a number of ways, but in most cases, this form of diabetes may arise when hormones associated with pregnancy interfere with the normal functioning of the Insulin causing a sharp increase in the Glucose level of the body. Pregnant women who are 25 years of age and above have higher chances of developing noticeable Gestational diabetes symptoms, and you have a significant family history of this state of intolerance in the glucose. You may develop post-birth diabetes when you deliver a baby that weighs 9 pounds or more of when you had a birth defect from your previous pregnancies.

Blood pressure problems

You may also develop noticeable Gestational diabetes symptoms if you have untreated high blood pressure problems, there is a higher level of amniotic fluid in your body, you have suffered from miscarriages from your previous births, and you were overweight before you got pregnant. Many of the symptoms of this gestation can be mild and may not be life-threatening – this means that your conditions may return to normal after childbirth. Aside from Blurred vision, excess fatigue, frequent urination, and unexplainable fatigue, some other common symptoms of these diabetes include; frequent infections of the bladder, vaginal, and skin; Nausea, and Vomiting.

Gestational diabetes symptoms list

Most Gestational diabetes symptoms are triggered halfway through pregnancies, and an oral glucose tolerance test is conducted to ascertain whether a pregnant woman is suffering from symptoms of Gestational diabetes or some other underlying health complications. The first symptom of this phenomenon is elevated sugar, and serious complications or symptoms are associated with this. When a woman has poorly controlled diabetes, there are several other complications and symptoms that can develop, these are:

Birth defects

Birth defects may occur in pregnant women who have symptoms such as High Glucose levels in their first 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Women who developed poorly managed Gestational diabetes symptoms are likely to bear children with birth defects that can occur during the formation of major organs like kidneys and the high glucose level may also interfere with the development of the fetus, bones, and gastrointestinal system. Studies have shown that pregnant women who fail to control their glucose levels, as well as major symptoms of Gestational diabetes, will likely have children with birth defects.


The yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin of a baby is another problem associated with this Gestation. Jaundice is a problem associated with a high-level secretion of Bilirubin, a by-product of the breakdown of red blood cells. Jaundice is a symptom of Gestational diabetes that fades away after few days of birth.


Macrosomia is another common symptom of Gestational diabetes; it is a problem that can be regarded as a birth defect. Macrosomia is also referred to as the “Big Baby syndrome” because of the immense weight of the babies. Women who had poor Glucose level control during pregnancy may give birth to overweight babies. A baby’s weight is considered abnormal if it exceeds 9 or 10 pounds on the scale.

The risks of stillbirths – the death of the fetus at the later stages of birth is high in women who suffered from Gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Fat infants who manage to survive during pregnancy have 90% or higher chances of growing into overweight adults and possess higher risks of developing type 2 diabetes. Some infants may develop a condition known as “Shoulder dystocia”, a situation where the head of the baby emerges during child delivery but the shoulder remains stuck- this situation can cause serious harm to the mother and child.

Women who develop symptoms of this diabetes have high chances of delivering babies through Cesarean operation; birth canal injuries are also common in such women. It is believed that lugging around an overweight fetus can create some serious problems for the mother especially in the last few months of pregnancy.

It often gets difficult to treat Gestational diabetes symptoms especially when the safety of the growing fetus is of great concern, however, most symptoms are manageable.




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