A Comprehensive Guide To Hernia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment - Pdf Slider

A Comprehensive Guide To Hernia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

A Comprehensive Guide To Hernia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

The Hernia is a round lump that sticks out through weak muscles, also known as Fascia. Although this bulge can develop in any part of the body, most of them occur in the abdomen (the region between the chest & hips). The key reason for developing Hernia is a protrusion of fatty tissue. 

A hernia is a serious health condition and does not go away on its own. To get rid of this problem, you need to seek the best urologist near you. If the disease is mild, it can be treated with medications, while complicated cases require surgery. Worry not; numerous surgeons provide effective hernia treatment in Kolkata at an affordable price. All you have to do is find them on Google and verify by reading people's reviews.


Generally, there are two major types of surgical methods to treat Hernia; open surgery & laparoscopy. However, before discussing them, let us have an insight into 6 different kinds of Hernias.


  • Epigastric Hernia


The lump between the belly button and breastbone is called Epigastric Hernia. An individual suffering from this disorder experiences severe pain while coughing and laughing as it puts pressure on the walls of the stomach.


  • Hiatal Hernia


The other common form of Hernia is Hiatal. It can occur to an individual of any age. In this, the upper part of the stomach bulges out. People suffering from this disorder are more likely to have acid reflux. Hiatal Hernia is divided into 4 categories, and 95% of people are reported to have type I Hernia.


  • Inguinal Hernia


When the fatty tissue protrudes out from the lower abdomen, it is called Inguinal Hernia. It can affect the small intestine and the reproductive system of the females too. However, help for hernia pain is available in every big city of India. 


  • Femoral Hernia


Femoral Hernia affects the inner thighs and develops small to medium-sized lumps in the groin region. Therefore, it is also known as Groin Hernia. Usually, a small-sized Femoral Hernia is not noticeable and doesn't cause any discomfort. On the other hand, large hernias are visible and cause significant discomfort. 


  • Incisional Hernia


Incisional Hernia occurs to those individuals who have gone through some type of surgery. If the surgical wound does not heal properly, the chances of developing Hernia increase. It is an excruciating and life-threatening condition.


  • Umbilical Hernia


An umbilical Hernia forms a lump near the abdominal region. It causes extreme pain and discomfort, which gets worse with coughing and bowel movements.




  • Bulge or lump on the skin surface
  • Constipation and acid reflux
  • Discomfort in the abdomen while coughing or lifting heavyweight
  • Difficulty in bending
  • Chest pain and aching sensation
  • Obstruction in Gut
  • Acute abdominal issues like vomiting, nausea, etc.
  • Sensation In Groin
  • Mild Fever
  • Strain during urination


Causes Of Hernia


There is no one cause of Hernia; it can occur due to several reasons. However, weak abdominal muscles are a major contributor to this disorder. The following factors can also accelerate the chances of developing Hernia.


  • Pregnancy
  • Coughing and heavy weight lifting
  • Genetic disorder
  • Obesity
  • Severe Constipation
  • Chronic Diarrhea


Treatment Options


As mentioned above, surgery is the only option to repair Hernia. Generally, there are three types of surgical procedures to treat Hernia: Open surgery, robotic repair, and laparoscopy.


In open surgery, an incision is made on the abdomen, and the Hernia is pushed back. After that, stitches and synthetic mesh are applied to strengthen the affected area. On the other hand, laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive and involves small incisions at the belly button. 

Robotic hernia surgery is very similar to a laparoscopy surgical procedure, with the only difference being that the surgeon sits on the console.


How To Prevent Hernia


  • Focus on your diet and maintain optimum weight
  • Eat fibrous food to avert constipation
  • Do not smoke
  • Practice abdominal exercises
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects


The Bottom Line -:


If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is vital to seek the best hernia treatment nearby. Taking this disease lightly can put your life in danger.